Easy Does It - A podcast by EasyEquities
Easy Does It is a podcast powered by EasyEquities, and is all about demystifying finance and investing. In collaboration with Youth Money Circle, episodes cover personal finance, insights about the market, thought leadership, fun conversations about money, as well as tips on getting the most out of EasyEquities. We strip away the complicated jargon to bring you free and engaging episodes that simplify the world of finance. Hosted by DJ @ Large, the podcast features a range of guests, from industry leaders, CEOs, and market analysts to investors, influencers, and everyday people with the same goal: achieving financial freedom.
Easy Does It - A podcast by EasyEquities
Getting in between the (fund fact) Sheets with Siyabulela Nomoyi
We’re joined again by Siyabulela Nomoyi, Quantitative Portfolio Manager at Satrix, to explain how to read and understand fund factsheets.
It may look intimidating, but a fund factsheet/MDD (Minimum Disclosure Document) is the key information document for exchange traded funds (ETFs), unit trusts, and other types of funds.
Siya breaks it down, covering different aspects to look out for such as fund performance, fees, dividends, and other components.
But this episode isn’t just about translating paper. Siya does a great job in painting the bigger picture by showing us how funds work as well as the pitfalls to avoid when investing in funds.
Aside from his talents in attracting money, Siya is so passionate about education that he has his own blog site where he talks about funds and investing in general. You can check it out here: https://www.siyatheetfguy.com/
Share the love with us on social media by letting us know what you think of the episode by tweeting @S_Nomoyi @EasyEquities or tagging us on the gram.
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